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Jason Rupp

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Jason Rupp ASMR Artist & explorer of street markets
Jason Rupp ASMR Artist & explorer of street markets

About Jason Rupp

Jason Rupp is an American traveller and ASMR artist who creates content that is based on him getting to know the locals in their street markets.

His main focus is haircuts, shaving, massages and other local spa style treatments including ear cleaning, nose waxing, shoe cleaning and pedicures.

He spends a lot of time in Thailand, Indonesia, New York, USA, Mexico and China.

He also features food particularly from the local street markets that he explores in most videos.

Tingle Rating

I am am a big fan of Jason. He has a great personality, is super empathetic to everyone he meets. No ego. And produces great content. 5 stars.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Jason Rupp channel Information

Artist Name: Jason Rupp

YouTube: Jason Rupp – here

Categories: Travel, Barber, Shave, Food, Massage

Video Location: Street markets, Barber shop, Restaurant, Beach

Channel Live: 2006

Subscribers: 603k

Total Views: 269m

Total Videos: 1.1k

Country: US

Nationality: American

Most likely to say: ‘What’s up everybody’

Least likely to say: ‘You can’t dye my beard!’

Typical video Length: 30 to 40 minutes

Typical number of people in the video: 1

Release schedule: 1 or 2 a week on average

Jason Rupp – ASMR Triggers

  • Shave
  • Haircut
  • Hair wash
  • Pedicure
  • Combing
  • Body massage
  • Head massage
  • Hair brushing
  • Facial
  • Personal attention
  • Hand massage
  • Stripping
  • Hair dyeing
  • Palpation
  • Tapping
  • Slapping
  • Patting
  • Ear picking
  • Cupping
  • Foot scrub

Key Benefits for you from Jason Rupp

Ok, so not ASMR but I love how you get to see ‘behind the scenes’ as he visits the villages, towns and cities.

It’s really interesting and you get a different view than the usual holiday brochures give you.

He has a lot of shaves, haircuts, massages and spa treatments which are usually pretty relaxing.

Expect background noise from cars, trucks, horns and motorbikes in a lot of them.

While a lot of Jason’s videos have quite a bit of energy around them he also has some really relaxing massage, shaving and haircut content.

I am not sure many of them will send you to sleep but you can always guarantee some tingles!

What we really like about Jason Rupp

Jason has to be one of the friendliest people on YouTube. He has a great knack for getting along with everyone. And this brings out the best in them and him as we get to see their true personalities. I think of him as a being a bit like Dave Grohl!

We really like how he gives you behind the scenes look at the various villages and salons that he goes to.

He has to have the quickest growing hair as he often gets haircuts when you think it will be a while before he can have another one.

He tries out all sorts of establishments. Probably most are what you would call street or market style which is always super interesting as it really mixes up the whole experience.

For example you often find that ASMR ‘routines’ are often the same whether for barbering or massages. But because Jason goes to so many different types of salons and a number of different countries there is no routine.

Countries visited by Jason

Speaking of countries I love how generally, he flips between the US, Thailand, Mexico and Indonesia. It’s a really good mix.

He is happy to try most foods and a lot of the dishes are new to me, particularly those in Mexico. I love street food so I am always really excited when he visits new places and tries out their food.

A real bonus for me is how he will often have the ASMR experience, a haircut, wash, foot scrub or massage and then at the end of the video he will further engage with the salon or barber shop owner. Sometimes even having some food with them.

And then he will go on a walk around the local area to give you an insight into how the locals live and work.

I like how he also has his regular barbers and people to go for treatment, particularly in Pattaya with ‘Nin’ the transgender female barber.

Quirks and features of Jason Rupp

Watch out for guest appearances from his mum – aaaaw!

He is also often joined by Noochi Bua – check out her channel here

Jason has also done some acting – IMDB profile here

Jason’s mother Carla Marie Rupp co produces his YouTube channel – she is on Twitter here

Jason has his Extras site for fun videos from his travels

Jason won the 2015 Miss Woodstock Fruit Festival pageant – fame at last!

Our favourite 3 videos from Jason Rupp

These are our favourite three videos from Jason which will hopefully give you a quick idea of what he is all about.

1. Massage at 4am on the streets of Johor Bahru

This is a great massage video in its own right. I really like the strength and style of the lady called Rose giving the massage and you will probably get a load of triggers from this video.

As it is 4m when the massage takes place it is fairly quiet, so less background noise than during the day.

I also can’t believe there were people offering massages on the street at 4am, but that is what makes Jason’s content so interesting as he really does get out and about at all hours to find new experiences.

And as a bonus there is a nice walk though the street market afterwards.

I would really recommend this video for those wanting to relax and sleep.

Triggers for me here were full body massaging, really strong back massage, major arm ‘stripping’ and some good chiropractic moves with a towel.

4am deep tissue massage with Jason Rupp
4am deep tissue massage with Jason Rupp

2. Street haircut, shave and massage in Bandung

This is a video I watch fairly regularly as it is very relaxing despite the quite load background noise from the traffic.

The barber ‘Ali’ really knows his stuff and gives Jason a great haircut and shave. And the massage is on point as well.

I know Indonesia is relatively cheap compared to many western countries but the cost of only $0.61 is crazy cheap. What amazing value!

And I love the way he uses the tree to hold up the mirror and his barbering tools.

As is often the case Jason overpays the barber and also pays for the next two customers who were patiently waiting to be served.

They (Noochi is with him) then take a rid round the streets of Bandung and show some more footage of Aji giving a client a massage.

Anyway, lots of triggers from the background noise, haircut and styling, combing, close personal attention, wet shaving around the neck and a good deep shoulder, neck and back massage.

Street haircut, shave and massage with Jason Rupp
Street haircut, shave and massage with Jason Rupp

3. Foot massage and cupping in Wuhan. Then food!

I really like this video as the vibe is so friendly that at the end Jason ends up eating with the people who have just given him an ear clean.

This was shot in Wuhan so was really interesting to see how the city was pre Covid breakout. And worth noting just how friendly the people were.

Although this is primarily a foot massage as you will see he gets a good all over massage before the foot massage takes place.

The foot massage looks really good, lots of slapping, stripping, rubbing and hitting as well as the calf being massaged.

Jason then goes on an evening walk around Wuhan and as he says, ‘this is the real locals experience coming to Wuhan’.

And that for me sums up Jason as he delves into what it means to be a local in all of the places he visits.

The food looked delicious as well!

Foot massage and food in Wuhan with Jason Rupp
Foot massage and food in Wuhan with Jason Rupp

Similar ASMR creators:

Haircut Harry – for me the original and best traveling ASMR barber

Relax Han ASMR – stylish and elegant haircuts and massages from South Korea

Nomad Barber – street style barbering and massages from around the world

Other Jason Rupp Social Channels below

Jason is busy. He is always pumping out those videos. And he is active on Social Media as well. No idea where he gets the energy or time.

You can check him out on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram as well,

Jason Rupp on Instagram

Instagram: here for his Insta account!

Instagram Channel Name: dontmisstheplane_jasonrupp

Bio: Jason Rupp: Travel & Pamper

Posts: 3,878 (told you he was busy!)

Followers: 12.2k

Following: 2,410 (nice to see someone following back)

Category: Video Creator

Located: Thailand

Date joined: August 2016

Before you go here is a handpicked post just for you!

Jason has great really unique content – hopefully you get that by now!

So here is a post about other traveling barbers who produce ASMR content.