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Kewas ASMR

Kewas ASMR
Kewas ASMR – Roleplay ASMR

About Kewas ASMR

Kewas is a Czech ASMR artist who focuses on real person, role play and medical ASMR videos with close personal attention.

She often features in collaborations with other ASMRtists or her boyfriend.

We look at what her most popular videos are, what are her main triggers – there is a lot!!

And reveal which is our own favourite Kewas ASMR video and why. And highlight the key benefits for you when watching her videos.

Tingle Rating

I really like Kewas – a nice soft approach, great accent and interesting mix of ASMR and keep fit! So she gets 4.5 stars on our tingle rating!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Channel Information: Kewas ASMR

Artist Name: Kewas

YouTube: Kewas ASMR here

YouTube ID: @kewas_asmr

Categories: Real People, Unintentional, Medical, Role Play, Yoga

Video Location: House, Studio

Channel Live: 2020

Subscribers: 254k

Total Views: 54 million

Total Videos: 241

Country: Czech Republic

Nationality: Czech

Most likely to say: ‘I’ll get my tape measure’

Least likely to say: ‘I can’t draw on that!’

Typical video Length: 25 minutes to 35 minutes

Typical number of people in the video: 1 or 2

Kewas ASMR – ASMR Triggers

  • Soft spoken
  • Back scratching
  • Measuring
  • Tracing
  • Fast and aggressive
  • Role play
  • Personal attention
  • Body exam
  • Scalp Check
  • Skin Touching
  • Cranial nerve
  • Reiki
  • Eye exam
  • Drawing
  • Latex gloves
  • Palpation
  • Crystals
  • Brushing
  • Rubbing
  • Whispering

Key Benefits for you from Kewas ASMR

  • Very calming – ideal for helping sleep issues
  • Great variety of role plays – something for everyone including some great collabs!
  • Amazing number of triggers – you will find your favourite here!

These are the three most popular ASMR videos from Kewas ASMR.

We have a full body exam, a back exam and a yearly exam – testing times!

While Kewas has a good focus on exams she has so many more different types of ASMR videos so do check them out!

Full Body Exam

This is a really good full body exam video. And as Kewas says it is a staged ‘unintentional’ ASMR video.

Like a lot of people I like true ‘unintentional’ ASMR videos. But I also really enjoy the staged unintentional videos as well. Like this one!

So, back to the video. It is a full body examination incorporating many elements including a lung, abdomen and skin inspection.

There follows an eye examination (any double vison?), good use of the tuning fork, sensation testing, temperature checks, leg checks and a back examination.

I think the reason that this particular video is so popular is that there are many different examinations and lots of types of triggers. Which is true of the channel overall as well.

Video here

Back Exam

Kewas ASMR does some really good back work! I really like her measuring videos as well as her geometry tracing and drawing ones. If that is a trigger for you then Kewas has lots of back focussed videos.

This is a part medical, part tracing and part measuring video on her boyfriend.

There are lots of nice soft touches, stroking and palpations on his back as well as some ‘swabbing’ followed by some geometric drawing and measuring. The latter is the most replayed part at 12:41.

This is a non talking video with sounds of spraying and measuring the loudest sounds to be heard.

Video here

Yearly Exam on Real Person

Another medical exam from Kewas ASMR, this time on her boyfriend. So a nice piece of Doctor and patient role play for them both.

It is nice to hear them (soft) talking in what I presume is the Czech language. Not going to lie, I don’t speak that particular language yet so it may be something else!

There is some nice measuring included as part of the process as well as lung and abdomen tests. And lots of tapping which is a great trigger.

And some really good sensation testing on both chest and back and finishing off with some eye and hearing tests. A lovely ASMR video packed with triggers!

Video here

Quirks and features of Kewas ASMR:

Kewas is obviously keen on her fitness regime so it’s nice to see her include Yoga sessions as part of her sleep focussed videos.

What we like about Kewas ASMR

Has a really diverse selection of videos

Has a very nice gentle approach and demeanour

Creates a lot of different sorts of triggers

Features her boyfriend in a number of videos

Focus on the ‘back’ part of the body

Soft spoken, occasional whisper and ‘silent’ videos

Yoga classes included

Czech language introduction

Gym clothes hauls

Love the measuring, tracing and drawing!!

Our favourite Kewas ASMR video – Fast ASMR Cranial, Scalp, Chiro, Reiki, Cardiology

This video is really unusual and in a good way. It is basically lots of short segments of different types of professions doing their checks, and quickly!

I wasn’t too much of a fan of the quicker ASMR video but I am getting into them now. Probably due to my inability to focus on anything too long!

So this is a bit of mix from a scalp inspection, ear cleaning, chiropractor, cranial nerve exam, cardiology, spine exam, pulmonary inspection, eye examination and a neurological check – all within 11 minutes. And it finishes off with a bit more of a relaxed Reiki session.

There are so many good triggers in this video – super impressed! And relaxed!

Video here

Similar ASMR creators:

Mad P ASMR – famed for her medical and pat down ASMR content

Chili b ASMR – the one with the dog, and Jeremy!

ShiliASMR – amazing collection of new and exciting spa treatments

Katherina ASMR – rising star of pat downs and collabs

LunaLux ASMR – big friends with Mad P, her mum also features

Other Kewas ASMR Channels below

Kewas is on various social and payment platforms – so ere are some details!

Kewas on Instagram

Instagram: here for her Instagram account!

Instagram Channel Name: kewas_asmr

Bio: Enthusiastic ASMRtist 🤩 Relaxation and Sleep 😴

Posts: 45

Followers: 9,086

Following: 3,643

Located: Czech Republic

Date joined: October 2020

Kewas on TikTok

TikTok channel here

TikTok Channel Name: kewas_asmr

Bio: Check my Youtube for more tingles ☺️

Following: 560

Followers: 810k

Likes: 14.5m

Before you go….

Check out all our other featured ASMRtists here – loads of tingles for you!

Please note the tingle ratings are all subjective – make your own mind up by watching Kewas’s videos!