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Interview with Cosmic Calm ASMR

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Cosmic Calm ASMR interview
Cosmic Calm ASMR interview

Cosmic Calm ASMR Interview

I was lucky enough to meet up with Tay who runs the Cosmic Calm ASMR channel on the Reddit community here – it’s a really good forum there – so check it out!

She shares with us insights into her channel, her favourite ASMR artists, top lighting tips and a lovely story from her comments section!

And I got to find out what an Axolotl is! Her YouTube channel is here

Who is Cosmic Calm ASMR?

What is your name? My name is Taylor, but I really prefer going by Tay or Tater (like potato).

Where are you based/do you live now? I currently reside in Wisconsin (USA) but I have lived in 6 out of the 50 states in the last 10 years. 

What is your profession/occupation? I am a full time Data Analyst 

Do you have any pets?  have a dog named Sirius, a cat named Felix, and an axolotl named Mochi 🙂 (Note from Peter at asmrliving, an axolot is a type of Salamander – I had to look it up!)

What is an interesting fact about you or something unusual that you have done?  I have flown over the Pacific Ocean in a Coast Guard helicopter on many occasions. 

What do you do to relax or for fun away from ASMR? I meditate, garden, play video games, or take a nice bath. 

Tell us about ASMR and your YouTube channel

How would you describe your ASMR channel? I am a variety ASMRtist who is still very much figuring herself out. }

I really love orchestrating roleplays but a good ‘ol trigger assortment is my go-to. 

Why did you get into ASMR?  I have always wanted to be a creator since I can remember. I grew up watching YouTube.

But when I found out that ASMR didn’t just exist ‘in the wild’ and I could access it any time I wanted, I became obsessed.

Your favourite types of ASMR?  Personal attention is something else for me, it is mind-meltingly tingly. As a child, I had the stereotypical tingles when the hairdresser would play with my hair. 

How does ASMR make you feel? It’s almost like I zone out of reality. I love having it on in the background and find I am more productive overall that way. 

Do you still watch ASMR Videos? I watch ASMR videos every day. I am far more of a consumer than I am a creator, simply because ASMR is always playing in my world. 

How often do you watch ASMR? 100% every night, 80% during the day. 

Your favourite ASMR artist/s and why? Jeannie B. ASMR reminds me of my grandmother who passed before I could fly to her and say goodbye (thanks, COVID).

I really connect with her through the screen. While I adore many creators, Moonlight Cottage ASMR is also one of my current favorites, as she puts as much work into her videos as I would imagine some directors put into their films!

What are the main benefits for viewers from watching your content? My videos will always provide a safe, open place for others to feel soothed and enjoy themselves.

I always respond to comments and love taking requests, so your voice will always be heard. 

What is the most enjoyable part of creating ASMR content? I almost feel as if I am in a trance when I am filming. I am on a whole other planet and really enjoying myself to the fullest.

Editing is methodical and I feel like a horse chasing a carrot, I want to upload it and share the hours of work with the world. 

What is the hardest part of running a YouTube channel? Definitely when you spent hours on a project and it doesn’t ‘take off’ when it comes to views.

As a data analyst, it’s sometimes hard for me to disregard the numbers. 

Do you read all the comments? I read every single comment and reply to 99% of them.

What’s the best comment you have read? I cannot remember her name, but a very young girl mentioned that her mother passed away and that my voice brought her to tears because it reminded her of her mother.

I will never forget that comment. If anything, it will be my driving force to never stop creating if I ever feel burnt out. 

Any plans for collaborations? I have reached out to a few people recently, so there may be some in the works soon. However, I am always open to collaboration and bouncing things off of each other. 

What is new on your channel this year? I have a very lovely game store roleplay that I have released recently and put quite a bit of time into.

I find it very relaxing! I love the sound of video game plastic being tapped. 

Best tips for someone starting an ASMR YouTube channel? Get familiar with the technical aspect of running a channel, especially with unique use of audio like ASMR utilizes.

I am still learning every day how to make the next video even better. Equipment, software, hardware, and your filming space all play a critical role in the quality of videos.

That’s a lot of moving parts and components just to put up a 20+ minute video a few times a week or so! There are many wonderful tutorials on YouTube. 

Making & Marketing an ASMR Video by AvaleaAudio

How long does it take to record & edit one of your ASMR videos? From prepping, writing, researching, setting up, filming, cleaning up, editing, and uploading, it probably takes anywhere from 3 – 10 hours for a 20-ish minute video. That sounds like a lot, but I LOVE IT. 

Which is your favourite piece of equipment for recording content? Lighting is really important. It can make a cheaper camera look high-end.

That can mean spending money on the lighting equipment or even just using natural lighting for free! 

How do you research your ASMR content? I generally either add my own flavor to another creators idea and put my own spin on it or I have a spontaneous idea that I google and start looking into props for.

What do you think is the most important factor of the YouTube algorithm? Consistency. It’s not just about posting quality content, you need to be visible to viewers.

If you prove to the audience that you are consistent and are more dedicated to supplying your channel with quality content, your content will be shown more often in more places. 

How do you drive most of your traffic to the channel? I will share a link here and there to various social media, but I focus more on ensuring the video is of good quality and has proper meta-data to drive it’s own traffic. 

Which social media channels do you use to market your content? Reddit, Twitter, and sometimes TikTok. 

How do you see AI such as ChatGPT impacting ASMR in the future? ChatGPT is going to be an amazing tool that anyone can utilize to optimize content ideas, tags, titles, props, and possibly scripts.

At an average level, though, an artist still has to do the work, so I don’t believe it will be too life changing for ASMR in the future.